A list of 13 words by trgrmtn.
- to move at gunpoint - шевелиться под прицеломwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- sovereign - правительwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to pay through the nose - платить втридорогаwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- unrest - беспокойствоwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to stoke fear - подогревать страхиwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- grim - зловещийwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to be on the mend - на пути к исправлениюwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- merit - ценностьwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to stem from - проистекать изwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- positive contagion - "доброкачественная зараза"was added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to sweep through - проноситься черезwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- to tick up a tad - вырасти на капелькуwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- ECG - электрокардиограммаwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
- squiggle - закорючкаwas added by trgrmtn and appears on just this list
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