A list of 388 words by catechism.
- wronskiwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- hoochwas added by catechism and appears on 32 lists
- hagridwas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- mulciberwas added by catechism and appears on 6 lists
- jugsonwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- jorkinswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- johnsonwas added by catechism and appears on 11 lists
- krumwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- quibblerwas added by catechism and appears on 8 lists
- lovegoodwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- zonkowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- zabiniwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- karkaroffwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- vancewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- vanewas added by catechism and appears on 15 lists
- skeeterwas added by catechism and appears on 8 lists
- smeltingswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- stonewallwas added by catechism and appears on 28 lists
- grunningswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- whingingwas added by catechism and appears on 7 lists
- sinistrawas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- hedwigwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- burrowwas added by catechism and appears on 30 lists
- hogsmeadewas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- shunpikewas added by catechism and appears on 10 lists
- shackleboltwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- rosmertawas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- riddlewas added by catechism and appears on 51 lists
- grimmauldwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- daigonwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- padfootwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- yetiwas added by catechism and appears on 28 lists
- prewettwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- pincewas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- wood-nymphwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- peeveswas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- woodlousewas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- macnairwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- averywas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- bulstrodewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- thomaswas added by catechism and appears on 6 lists
- patilwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- brownwas added by catechism and appears on 68 lists
- parkinsonwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- wildebeestwas added by catechism and appears on 19 lists
- veelawas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- unicornwas added by catechism and appears on 95 lists
- pomfreywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- sproutwas added by catechism and appears on 39 lists
- quirrelwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- trollwas added by catechism and appears on 78 lists
- ogdenwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- tebowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- nettlewas added by catechism and appears on 88 lists
- thestralwas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- tadfoalwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- streelerwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- sphinxwas added by catechism and appears on 55 lists
- snidgetwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- grubbly-plankwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- shrakewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- short-snoutwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- salamanderwas added by catechism and appears on 56 lists
- grindelwaldwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- re'emwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- woodwas added by catechism and appears on 68 lists
- finniganwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- greybackwas added by catechism and appears on 7 lists
- ramorawas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- goylewas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- crabbewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- quintapedwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- pygmywas added by catechism and appears on 27 lists
- puffskeinwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- porlockwas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- pogrebinwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- plimpywas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- pixiewas added by catechism and appears on 52 lists
- vipertoothwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- fortescuewas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- opaleyewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- occamywas added by catechism and appears on 8 lists
- flitwickwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- nunduwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- ridgebackwas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- nogtailwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- filchwas added by catechism and appears on 81 lists
- figgwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- nifflerwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- evanswas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- mooncalfwas added by catechism and appears on 52 lists
- mokewas added by catechism and appears on 19 lists
- merrowwas added by catechism and appears on 8 lists
- merpeoplewas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- malaclawwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- manticorewas added by catechism and appears on 57 lists
- mackledwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- longhornwas added by catechism and appears on 8 lists
- lobalugwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- liondragonwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- lethifoldwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- kneazlewas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- creeveywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- cadoganwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- knarlwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- kelpiewas added by catechism and appears on 42 lists
- kappawas added by catechism and appears on 24 lists
- bagmanwas added by catechism and appears on 19 lists
- jarveywas added by catechism and appears on 12 lists
- horntailwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- ironbellywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- inferiuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- impwas added by catechism and appears on 70 lists
- hebrideanwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- umbridgewas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- hagwas added by catechism and appears on 42 lists
- horklumpwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- hippocampuswas added by catechism and appears on 55 lists
- hinkypunkwas added by catechism and appears on 6 lists
- gytrashwas added by catechism and appears on 11 lists
- grindylowwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- grimwas added by catechism and appears on 79 lists
- griffinwas added by catechism and appears on 31 lists
- giantwas added by catechism and appears on 56 lists
- wandwas added by catechism and appears on 33 lists
- waddiwasiwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- diggorywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- goblinwas added by catechism and appears on 58 lists
- gnomewas added by catechism and appears on 76 lists
- unplottablewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- unforgivablewas added by catechism and appears on 8 lists
- hippogriffwas added by catechism and appears on 28 lists
- transmogrifianwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- transmogrifywas added by catechism and appears on 99 lists
- tergeowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- tarantallegrawas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- ghoulwas added by catechism and appears on 46 lists
- furballwas added by catechism and appears on 9 lists
- fwopperwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- stupefywas added by catechism and appears on 53 lists
- sponge-kneeswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- slug-vomitingwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- silenciowas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- lestrangewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- gauntwas added by catechism and appears on 82 lists
- boneswas added by catechism and appears on 57 lists
- erklingwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- serpentsortiawas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- sectumsemprawas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- scourgifywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- revelaspellwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- riddikuluswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- rictusemprawas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- reparowas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- rennervatewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- relashiowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- reduciowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- reductowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- dugbogwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- doxywas added by catechism and appears on 63 lists
- quietuswas added by catechism and appears on 63 lists
- diricrawlwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- protegowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- pesternomiwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- peskipipksiwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- petrificuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- proteanwas added by catechism and appears on 218 lists
- portuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- demiguisewas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- orchideouswas added by catechism and appears on 7 lists
- oppugnowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- crupwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- obliviatewas added by catechism and appears on 9 lists
- noxwas added by catechism and appears on 10 lists
- cockatricewas added by catechism and appears on 39 lists
- muffliatowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- mcgonagallwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- blackwas added by catechism and appears on 121 lists
- pettigrewwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- wormtailwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- prongswas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- moodywas added by catechism and appears on 37 lists
- aurorwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- crouchwas added by catechism and appears on 25 lists
- fudgewas added by catechism and appears on 63 lists
- scrimgoeurwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- slughornwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- binnswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- trelawneywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- grangerwas added by catechism and appears on 11 lists
- potterwas added by catechism and appears on 22 lists
- longbottomwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- tonkswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- dursleywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- lupinwas added by catechism and appears on 7 lists
- malfoywas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- weasleywas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- snapewas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- severuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- dumbledorewas added by catechism and appears on 10 lists
- voldemortwas added by catechism and appears on 8 lists
- mordrewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- morswas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- mobilicorpuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- mobiliarbuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- cluricaunwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- locomotorwas added by catechism and appears on 6 lists
- liberacorpuswas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- levicorpuswas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- legilimenswas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- langlockwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- clauricornwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- clabbertwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- knee-reversingwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- chizpurflewas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- jelly-fingerswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- charmwas added by catechism and appears on 92 lists
- cursewas added by catechism and appears on 40 lists
- hexwas added by catechism and appears on 58 lists
- jinxwas added by catechism and appears on 69 lists
- jelly-legswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- jelly-brainwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- chimaerawas added by catechism and appears on 31 lists
- centaurwas added by catechism and appears on 44 lists
- imperturbablewas added by catechism and appears on 96 lists
- incarcerouswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- inanimatuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- imperviuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- incendiawas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- impedimentiawas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- imperiuswas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- imperiowas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- bigfootwas added by catechism and appears on 13 lists
- bowtrucklewas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- homorphuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- gubraithianwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- boarhoundwas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- bugbearwas added by catechism and appears on 61 lists
- furnuculuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- flame-freezingwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- flagratewas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- blast-endedwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- incantatemwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- finitewas added by catechism and appears on 47 lists
- ferulawas added by catechism and appears on 6 lists
- patronuswas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- expelliarmuswas added by catechism and appears on 8 lists
- evansescowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- episkeywas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- ennervatewas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- engorgiowas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- basiliskwas added by catechism and appears on 81 lists
- bicornwas added by catechism and appears on 9 lists
- dissendiumwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- densaugeowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- diffindowas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- deletriuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- cruciowas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- cruciatuswas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- confunduswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- colloportuswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- augureywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- ashwinderwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- bubble-headwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- brakingwas added by catechism and appears on 7 lists
- bogieswas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- body-bindwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- bluebellwas added by catechism and appears on 28 lists
- backfiringwas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- bat-bogeywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- aethononwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- aviswas added by catechism and appears on 6 lists
- apareciumwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- aguamentiwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- anapneowas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- alohamorawas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- tentaculawas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- scurvy-grasswas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- screechsnapwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- puffapodwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- privetwas added by catechism and appears on 23 lists
- mandragorawas added by catechism and appears on 11 lists
- mallowsweetwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- hornbeamwas added by catechism and appears on 22 lists
- gurdyrootwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- gillyweedwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- flutterbywas added by catechism and appears on 13 lists
- flitterbloomwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- dittanywas added by catechism and appears on 25 lists
- asphodelwas added by catechism and appears on 74 lists
- belladonnawas added by catechism and appears on 57 lists
- abraxanwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- alihotsywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- acciowas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- wormwoodwas added by catechism and appears on 65 lists
- wolfsbanewas added by catechism and appears on 19 lists
- wartcapwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- veritaserumwas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- tubewormwas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- sneezewortwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- sleekeazywas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- skele-growas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- runespoorwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- pepperupwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- murtlapwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- moonstonewas added by catechism and appears on 26 lists
- aconitewas added by catechism and appears on 27 lists
- monkshoodwas added by catechism and appears on 19 lists
- mandrakewas added by catechism and appears on 38 lists
- lovagewas added by catechism and appears on 22 lists
- lacewingwas added by catechism and appears on 16 lists
- knotgrasswas added by catechism and appears on 6 lists
- jobberknollwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- helleborewas added by catechism and appears on 31 lists
- graphornwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- glumbumblewas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- flobberwormwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- fluxweedwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- erumpentwas added by catechism and appears on 44 lists
- boggartwas added by catechism and appears on 16 lists
- doxycidewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- skrewtwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- bubotuberwas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- boomslangwas added by catechism and appears on 16 lists
- bulbadoxwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- bundimunwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- billywigwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- amortentiawas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- acromantulawas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- tri-wizardwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- tinderblastwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- swiftstickwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- spectrespecswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- spellotapewas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- ollivander'swas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- gringott'swas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- knockturnwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- polyjuicewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- revealerwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- remembrallwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- quodwas added by catechism and appears on 10 lists
- quodpotwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- metamorphaguswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- legilimancywas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- occlumencywas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- animaguswas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- sortingwas added by catechism and appears on 7 lists
- ravenclawwas added by catechism and appears on 6 lists
- slytherinwas added by catechism and appears on 7 lists
- hufflepuffwas added by catechism and appears on 13 lists
- gryffindorwas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- pennifoldwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- quafflewas added by catechism and appears on 7 lists
- sneakoscopewas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- put-outerwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- ominocularswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- nimbuswas added by catechism and appears on 94 lists
- moontrimmerwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- megamorphwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- time-turnerwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- lunascopewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- howlerwas added by catechism and appears on 13 lists
- gobstonewas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- foe-glasswas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- dungbombwas added by catechism and appears on 2 lists
- cleansweepwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- bluebottlewas added by catechism and appears on 21 lists
- floowas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- wizardingwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- mugglewas added by catechism and appears on 31 lists
- arithmancywas added by catechism and appears on 13 lists
- portkeywas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- hogwartswas added by catechism and appears on 6 lists
- keeperwas added by catechism and appears on 24 lists
- chaserwas added by catechism and appears on 15 lists
- beaterwas added by catechism and appears on 10 lists
- bludgerwas added by catechism and appears on 15 lists
- horcruxwas added by catechism and appears on 11 lists
- leviosawas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- wingardiumwas added by catechism and appears on just this list
- azkabanwas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- dementorwas added by catechism and appears on 6 lists
- pensievewas added by catechism and appears on 5 lists
- snitchwas added by catechism and appears on 39 lists
- lumoswas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- disapparatewas added by catechism and appears on 3 lists
- apparatewas added by catechism and appears on 4 lists
- quidditchwas added by catechism and appears on 7 lists
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