A list of 23 words by 6stro4ek.
- to loom - маячитьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- far-off places - дальние краяwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to tail off - подходить к концу, истощатьсяwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- overseas - заграничныйwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to reverse - полностью измениться, повернуть в противоположном направленииwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to mature - созреть, вполне развитьсяwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- а rock-bottom wage - самая низкая зарплатаwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to attract plenty of new investment - привлекать большое количество новых инвестицийwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- customised - изготовленный с учётом индивидуальных требованийwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- the chief executive - президент (компании)was added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to disrupt chains - разрывать цепи (напр, цепи поставок)was added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- drawback - недостатокwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- unpromising - бесперспективный, малообещающийwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to pursue - гнатьсяwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- capacity - производственная мощностьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- substantially - значительноwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- supply chain - цепь поставокwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- a company's global footprint - пройденный компанией путьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to wither away - чахнуть, увядатьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- dignitary - почётный гость, официальное лицоwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- a facility - завод, предприятиеwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- a ribbon-cutting ceremony - церемония перерезания ленточкиwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on 3 lists
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