A list of 22 words by AntonTabarin.
- To disrupt chain - прервать цепьwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to sent companies rushing overseas -отправить компании лихорадочно зарубежwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to offset sth –возмещать что-тоwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to be based overseas – находиться заграницейwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- a ribbon-cutting ceremony – церемония открытия (разрезать ленточку)was added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to pursue many unpromising mergers and acquisitions – осуществлять слияния и поглощенияwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- Mergers and acquisitions- слияния и приобретенияwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- global footprint – глобальное поведениеwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- A Capacity- объем, пропускная способностьwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- An inexact science- неточная наукаwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- а new manufacturing facility – новая производственная возможностьwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to gather for sth– собираться наwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to barely budge – едва ли изменитьсяwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- the vast majority of laptops – многочисленное большинство лэптоповwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to wither away for the past 30 years – ослабевать за последние 30 летwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to shut sth – закрывать что-тоwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- The cost of shipping – цена перевозокwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- A dignitary - высокое должностное лицоwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to mark the latest twist in a globalisation story – отмечать последний поворот в истории глобализацииwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- Glossarywas added by AntonTabarin and appears on 4 lists
- Production had been withering away- производство чахло, увядалоwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- a clinching reason for manufacturing – удерживающая причина для производстваwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to add new capacity – добавлять новые мощностиwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
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