A list of 7 words by 6stro4ek.
- promotability - перспективностьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- сonversely - в противоположность, наоборотwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- distract - рассеянныйwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- obsessive - навязчивыйwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- а merit - показатель, достоинствоwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- a trait - характерная черта, особенностьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on 2 lists
- credibility - надёжность, серьёзностьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- the premise - предположениеwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
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