A list of 18 words by zeke.
- idempotentwas added by zeke and appears on 39 lists
- URLwas added by zeke and appears on 4 lists
- URIwas added by zeke and appears on 3 lists
- Tim Berners-Leewas added by zeke and appears on just this list
- RESTwas added by zeke and appears on 2 lists
- OPTIONSwas added by zeke and appears on just this list
- formatwas added by zeke and appears on 19 lists
- bodywas added by zeke and appears on 64 lists
- headerswas added by zeke and appears on 5 lists
- responsewas added by zeke and appears on 22 lists
- requestwas added by zeke and appears on 29 lists
- hypertextwas added by zeke and appears on 12 lists
- DELETEwas added by zeke and appears on just this list
- PUTwas added by zeke and appears on just this list
- POSTwas added by zeke and appears on 2 lists
- GETwas added by zeke and appears on just this list
- intertwinglewas added by zeke and appears on 8 lists
- planartextwas added by zeke and appears on 5 lists
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