A list of 39 words by shevek.
- whumptydumpwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- squunkwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- bimwas added by shevek and appears on 3 lists
- incutebationwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- cutierwas added by shevek and appears on 3 lists
- callipaegeanwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- brotestwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- reeigewas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- beardsmanwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- cosmopygianwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- disemvowelwas added by shevek and appears on 14 lists
- allotheismwas added by shevek and appears on 11 lists
- burbclavewas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- arctocoprouswas added by shevek and appears on 3 lists
- posthastillywas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- preposteronewas added by shevek and appears on 5 lists
- coolthwas added by shevek and appears on 13 lists
- evensnogwas added by shevek and appears on 3 lists
- snurdlewas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- law of quantum agingwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- vaginisthmuswas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- sweerwas added by shevek and appears on 5 lists
- affectinatewas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- trisexualwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- fenetricalwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- flambowas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- gruntfatwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- roleowas added by shevek and appears on 2 lists
- flagelliciouswas added by shevek and appears on 3 lists
- flagillitiouswas added by shevek and appears on 3 lists
- omnegligentwas added by shevek and appears on 3 lists
- cisvestitewas added by shevek and appears on 2 lists
- refreshmanwas added by shevek and appears on 2 lists
- santorumwas added by shevek and appears on 12 lists
- coanniversarywas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- deifenestrationwas added by shevek and appears on 8 lists
- anaphoradituswas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- glepterswas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- mummetswas added by shevek and appears on just this list
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