A list of 22 words by AntonTabarin.
- punctuated by rare depressions- прерываемые редкими депрессиямиwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- the frequent small recessions- малозначительные спадыwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to put banks into the models- включить банки в моделиwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- the crisis sparkled- кризис проявился( сверкнул)was added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to trim costs- сократить расходыwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- they are useful until not disturbed from outside- полезны пока на них не влияют внешние факторыwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- contain a small number of representative agents- включать небольшое число репрезентативных агентовwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- To encourage further lending- стимулировать дальнейшее предитованиеwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- To depict the transactions- отразить трансакцииwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- A successor – преемникwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- a spike in the price of petrol – всплеск цен на бензинwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- A veil – покров, завеса, пелена, посредник (зд)was added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- Highly leveraged financial firms – финансовые фирмы с большей долей заемных средствwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to expand and contract in the absence of such external shocks - расширяться и сжиматься при отсутствии внешних шоковwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- A dodge – обманwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- Mildly – тихо, спокойно, умеренноwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to bid up prices – поднимать ценыwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to upend an economy – перевернуть экономику, переориентироватьwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to be reluctant to abandon – не желать отказатьсяwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- To omit doing/do sth – не сделать чего-либо (пренебрегать, упускать)was added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- inherently – по своей сутиwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
- to tumble – падатьwas added by AntonTabarin and appears on just this list
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