A list of 24 words by Jaina.
- impervious to the facts - непроницаемый для фактовwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- boom-and-bust financial cycles - финансовые циклы "бум - спад"was added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- an effect of quantitative easing - эффект количественного смягченияwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a sophisticated agent-based model of the EU’s economy - сложная агент-ориентированная модель экономики ЕСwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- а consortium of European research bodies - консорциум европейских научно-исследовательских учрежденийwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- The evolutionary structure of agent-based models - Эволюционные структуры агент-ориентированных моделейwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to depict the transactions - описывать трансакции (операции, сделки)was added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to take the lessons of the crisis on board - принять уроки кризиса, взять их на вооружениеwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to be reluctant to abandon something - отказываться оставить что-либоwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to be bound to upend an economy - быть обязанным, вынужденным перевернуть вверх ногами экономикуwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- Highly leveraged financial firms - компании с высокой долей заёмных средствwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to limit economists’ understanding of why economies expand and contract in the absence of such external shocks - ограничивает понимание экономистов по поводу того, почему экономика расширяется и сужается в отсутствии таких шоковwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a spike in the price of petrol - всплеск цен на бензинwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to be inherently stable unless disturbed from the outside - быть стабильным, пока нет воздействия извнеwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to cause prices to tumble - to cause prices to tumble, вызывать падение ценwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to bid up prices - поднимать цены, взвинчивать, вздувать ценыwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- the willingness of creditors to lend against an asset - готовность кредиторов ссужать против активаwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- for instance - напримерwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to put it mildly - мягко выражаясьwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- a “veil” between savers and borrowers - "ширма", "вуаль", между вкладчиками и заёмщикамиwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to be omitted - быть опущенным (за текст)was added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to spark rethinks - вызывать переосмыслениеwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- to force rethinks - вызывать переосмыслениеwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
- dismal scientists - мрачные(унылые) ученыеwas added by Jaina and appears on just this list
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