A list of 88 words by Feabelit.
- to spin off - разделить на ветвиwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to drag out - вывозитьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a breakup - hfcrjk^ lhj,ktybtwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a bottom line - чистая прибыль, итогwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a blunder - грубая ошибкаwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- a shipment - отгрузкаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- turmoil - шум, суматохаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- беспорядокwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a hunch - предчувствие, чутьёwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a mould = a shapewas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- We always have a billion things on the go - (много делать)was added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a herd - стадо, толпа (негатив.)was added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- leverage - заёмные средстваwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a boon to - подспорье, помощьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a trait - черта (характера)was added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a loose-cannon - непредсказуемыйwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a leeway - свобода действий, отсрочка, потеря времениwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- a glue - клейwas added by Feabelit and appears on 3 lists
- a leverage - сила, рычагwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- spontaneity - самопроизвольность, спонтанность, естественность, непосредственностьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- an agreeableness - соглашательностьwas added by Feabelit and appears on 3 lists
- an abrasiveness - абразивностьwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- a bookkeeper - бухгалтерwas added by Feabelit and appears on 3 lists
- a maverick - индивидуалистwas added by Feabelit and appears on 3 lists
- a boon - благо, дарwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- a spoke - спица (колеса)was added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a pitfall - западня, волчья яма, ошибка, просчётwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- clarification - прояснение, ясность, преобразованиеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a burnout - перегорание, (перегиб), выгораниеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- implementation - выполнение, осуществлениеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- an encounter - столкновение, случайная встречаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a draft of the project - набросок проектаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a guideline - директива, направляющаяwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- efficacy - эффективностьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a fad - причуда, фантазияwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a zealot - фанатикwas added by Feabelit and appears on 3 lists
- a spurt of progress - технологический рывокwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a flaw - трещина, изъянwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- famine - голодwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- expertise - опыт, знанияwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a regulator and a regulated - регулирующий и регулируемыйwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- an apex - вершинаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a compliance - согласие, соответствиеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- а disdain - презрениеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- а self-deprecating style - самокритичный стильwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a gesture - жест, мимикаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a dole - раздача, распределение, пособие по безоработицеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a font - шрифтwas added by Feabelit and appears on 3 lists
- a proprietor - владелец, собственник, хозяинwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- a sanity - здравый ум, душевное здоровьеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- clientele - клиентураwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- generation-Y - born in 1960swas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a hoarder - тезавраторwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- an attorney - прокурор, проверенное лицоwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a perception - восприятиеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- top dogs - боссы, лидерыwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- bona fides - честные намерения, добросовестностьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to nuture resentments - воспитывать (в себе) обидыwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to hold a grudge against - держать зло, зависть, обиду на кого-тоwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- an offended party - потерпевшая сторонаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a depleted person - истощённый человекwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- an integrity - прямота, честностьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a proliferation of software - распространение софтаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a chilling effect - леденящий эффектwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a litigation - судебный процессwas added by Feabelit and appears on 3 lists
- a roll-out of a new product - представление (презентация) нового продуктаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a preliminary injunction - ???was added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a stash of patents - запас патентовwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a pundit - мудрец, специалистwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- consolation prizes - утешительные призыwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a rectangle - прямоугольникwas added by Feabelit and appears on 5 lists
- to declare the truce - объявить перемириеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to be at the helm - быть у руляwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- A litmus test - лакмусовая бумажкаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- A ruling - постановление, решение судаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- a rubber-banding - эластичное соединениеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to have repercussions - иметь плохие последствияwas added by Feabelit and appears on 6 lists
- A wag - шуткаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- A jury in a court - присяжные в судеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- Job's-like traits - черты Джобсаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- The forward echelon - первый эшелонwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- Expert appraisals - экспертные оценкиwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- An aspiration to level - стремление невелироватьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- Excessive working hours - чрезмерный объём рабочего времениwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- A tricky hiccup - сложная проблемаwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- A tricky transition - Сложный периодwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- An essential aspect - важный аспектwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- A company's helm - руководство компаниейwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
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