A list of 65 words by Dorovskaya.
- a splashwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a SPIKE in the price of smth - скачаок цен на что-либоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- levelingwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 6 lists
- alignmentwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 26 lists
- EQUALIZATION - выравниваниеwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- an ASSET - активwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a curtainwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a VEIL - перегородка, занавескаwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- Dumping - демпингwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a trade barrier - торговый барьерwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a QUOTA - квотаwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a GLYPH - рельефная фигураwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- WATERMARKS - водяные знакиwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a HOLOGRAM - голограммаwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a forgerwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a COUNTERFEITOR - фальшивомонетчикwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a counterfeitwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a fabricationwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a FORGERY - подделка, фальшивкаwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a BANKNOTE - купюраwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- dignitywas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 53 lists
- qualitywas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 45 lists
- DENOMINATION - достоинствоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a fallwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a DOWNTURN - спадwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a boundwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a recoilwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a rapid REBOUND - резкий отскокwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- an embankmentwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a seafrontwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a QUAY - набережнаяwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a predictionwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a forecastwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- an OUTLOOK - прогнозwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- mass CULTURE - массовая культураwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- economic INTERACTIONS - экономические взаимодействияwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- UNIFICATION - унификацияwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- universal INTEGRATION - всемирная интеграцияwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a GLOBALIST - антиглобалистwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- GLOBALISATION - глобализацияwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- NUCLEAR WEAPONS - ядерное оружиеwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a POVERTY TRAP - ловушка бедностиwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a pension FUND - пенсионный фондwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a MORTGAGE - ипотечный кредитwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- the SWIPING a credit card - считывание с кредитной картыwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- at fiirst GLANCE - на первый взглядwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a modelwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 4 lists
- a templatewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a PATTERN - шаблон, модельwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a STOCK - запасwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a FLOW - потокwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- outside OPINION - постороннее мнениеwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- the CRITICISM - критикаwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- from the point of view of sb - с точки зрения к.-либоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a PENCHANT for pithy put-downs - устойчивость ко многим оскорблениямwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to BE RELUCTANT to do smth - быть против чего-тоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- an ancestorwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a PREDECESSOR - предшественникwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a CASH HOARD - запасwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to have Hiccups - иметь проблемыwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- a tricky TRANSITION - ловкий переходwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- at the HELM - в руководствеwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- an aspectwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 24 lists
- an ingridientwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 3 lists
- a componentwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 25 lists
- an elementwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 24 lists
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