A list of 10 words by 6stro4ek.
- repercussion - результат, последствияwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- successor - преемникwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- repercussion - результат, последствиеwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- jury - суд присяжныхwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- anniversary - ежегодныйwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- lawsuit - судебный процессwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- penchant - склонностьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on 3 lists
- predecessor - предшественникwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on 3 lists
- hiccup - затруднениеwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- an element - a part - элемент, частьwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
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