A list of 33 words by inveraray.
- processing payments - обрабатывать платежи.was added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- earn high returns - получать прибыльwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- bubble burst - взрыв пузыряwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- shook the market - трясти рынокwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- expanded their branch networks - расширять сети.was added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- their main engine of profitability - основная статья дохода.was added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- returns on equity - доход с капиталаwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- superseding - заменить, to replacewas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- bricks-and-mortar Business – традиционный бизнесwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- caused palms to sweat - заставить нервничатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- to alter - изменить что-либо - тут экономикуwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- modest figure - скромные цифры, персон flatters - somebody - мститьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- to cut costswas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- a dead end -was added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- adjust - корректировать.was added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- boosted by a debt-fuelled bubble. - to boost revenues –увеличить доходыwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- digitized - оцифроватьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- staples - основной продуктwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- folded back - вернуться, повернуть назадwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- tiny fraction - крошечная, маленькая доляwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- switch banks - менять, переходить от одного банка к другомуwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- to queuing up - стоять в очередиwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- retail banking - розничные банковские услугиwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- generator of consistent profits - to generate profits – создавать, приносить прибыльwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- dullest - самый скучныйwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- bursting of the debt bubble - взрыв пузыря,was added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- swiping a credit card - считывать кредитную картуwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- obvious - очивидныйwas added by inveraray and appears on 2 lists
- , to take a risk, to run the risk of doing something - рисковатьwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- bread-and-butter - традиционныйwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- crunch massive amounts of data - считать, обрабатывать, process, calculate в данном случае,was added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- bold experiment - смелый, дерзкийwas added by inveraray and appears on just this list
- restore profitability - восстановить рентабельность.was added by inveraray and appears on just this list
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