A list of 68 words by EMitenkova.
- a chilling effect on smth- охлаждающий эффектwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a proliferation - распространениеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- a frenzy - безумиеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a litigation - судебный процессwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 3 lists
- to be worse off - оказаться в более затруднительном положенииwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to outweigh the costs - перевесить затраты.was added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a proof - доказательство, подтверждениеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to hail - приветствоватьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to stir up smth - раздувать (ссору), возбуждать делоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- an offering - что-то предлагаемое к продажеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to seek to do smth – пытаться что-то делать = to trywas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to spark a new round of innovation - зажечьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a roll-out of new devices - выпускwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a roll-out of new devices - ъвыпускwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to shield smth from - защищатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to alter smth - менятьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to push up the price - поднять ценуwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to fork out - раскошелитьсяwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- to be set for (date) - быть назначенным наwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a preliminary injunction against smth - предварительный судебный запретwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to ban from salewas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- offering - проблемныйwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to step up - расширятьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a stash of smth - тайник, укрытиеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to point out smth - обращать внимание, указыватьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a pundit - эксперт, специалистwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to refuse smth - отклонитьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a consolation prize - утешительный призwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 4 lists
- a rectangle - прямоугольникwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 5 lists
- to crow about smth - шумно ликовать, злорадствоватьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- notorious - печально известныйwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a trial - судебное разбирательствоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to declare a truce - установить перемириеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- to wage "thermonuclear war" - вести термоядерную войнуwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to be shipped - поставляемый на рынокwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a host of smth - масса, толпа, совокупностьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a rival - конкурент, соперникwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to thwart smth - мешать чему-тоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a determination - решимостьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a litmus test - лакмусовый тестwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to brew - замышлятьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to be guilty of Ving - быть виноватым в ...was added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- guilty - виноватыйwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to come out - выйти в печатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to owe smb smth - быть должным кому-тоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to toss out smb's charge - отклонить искwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to uphold smb’s claim – поддержать искwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- pinch-and-zoom - нажми и увеличьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- rubber-banding - резиновая нитьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to overturn - опровергать, отменить решениеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to appeal against the ruling - подать аппеляцию против суд. решенияwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to intend to do smth - намереваться что-то делатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to rewamp - модернизироватьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to be hit with laws - (на компанию подал кто-то иски)was added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to license patents - получать лицензию на использование патентовwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to rip off smone's intellectual property - украсть интел. собственностьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to lob lawsuits = to dish out lawsuits - подавать чрезмерно много исковwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to have significant repercussions - иметь плохие последствияwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- an aspect of smth - внешний видwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to deem - полагать, мыслить, считатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to award smb $n billion in damages - присудить компании возмещение убытков в размереwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to vindicate smb - оправдатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to be no laughing matter - нешуточное делоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a wag - шутникwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to refer to smb - обращаться к кому-либоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to violate smth - нарушатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to rule - разрешить, постановитьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a jury - присяжныеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
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