A list of 44 words by mark.trifonov.
- to cease actions - прекращать действияwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 3 lists
- to shrink smth - сокращать что-либоwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to outstrip smth - опережать что-либоwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to pair with smth - соединяться с чем-тоwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to revitalise economies - оживлять экономикиwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to slash smth - сокращать что-либоwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to weather smth - пережить, выдержать что-либоwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- there is room to do smth - существует возможность что-либо сделатьwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to reverse smth - менять, аннулировать, отменять что-либоwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to exert smth - вызывать, влиять на что-либоwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to strangle smb - задушить кого-либоwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to threaten to do smth - угрожать что-либо сделатьwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to digest smth - переварить, усвоить что-либоwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to loom on the horizon - маячить на горизонтеwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 4 lists
- to swallow - глотатьwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to surge - вырастиwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- payroll taxes - налоги на з/пwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- swollen - опухший, раздувшийсяwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to be soaring - возвышаться, возрастатьwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to cease - прекращатьwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to be lucrative - быть прибыльнымwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 2 lists
- wrinkled - морщинистыйwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to reckon - считатьwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 5 lists
- to estimate - считатьwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- formidable - грозныйwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 2 lists
- a gridlock - тупикwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 2 lists
- to peak - достичь пикаwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- creaky - скрипучийwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 3 lists
- spectacular - захватывающий, эффектныйwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- a showdown - противостояниеwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 3 lists
- а favour - поддержкаwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- a ratio - соотношениеwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- equities - акцииwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 2 lists
- a return on - отдача отwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- a cohort - когортаwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to be inevitable - быть неизбежнымwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 2 lists
- a heft - весwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- sheer - огромныйwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- a distinction - различиеwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 2 lists
- to leverage - использоватьwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- visage - лицоwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- to be pronounced - быть выраженнымwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- annual - ежегодныйwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
- salutary - благотворныйwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on 2 lists
- an austerity - аскетизм, простотаwas added by mark.trifonov and appears on just this list
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