A list of 57 words by EMitenkova.
- to surpass - обогнатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to overtake - обогнатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to keep pace - угнатьсяwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to catch up with - идти в ногуwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to leave behind - опережатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to lag behind - обставитьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- Related words:was added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- ______was added by EMitenkova and appears on 4 lists
- to make redundant - сократитьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to lay smb off - уволить из-за плохого состояния компанииwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to fire – грубоватый оттенок уволитьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to sack – уволить из-за производственных сложностейwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to dismiss – уволить из-за ошибки человекаwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- Synonyms:was added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to care about shareholder’s profits - заботиться о прибылях акционеровwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- interests coincide - интересы совпадаютwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- total sales - общий объем продажwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to act in the interests of shareholders - действовать в интересах акционеровwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to act in the interests of shareholders - действовать в интересах акционеров total sales - общий объем продажwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to pursue different objectives - преследовать иные целиwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to raise the profitability of the company - повысить прибыльность компанииwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to appoint the board - назначать руководителейwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to be a sole owner - быть самому себе начальникомwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to question an assumption - усомниться в верности предположенияwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- to maximize profits - максимально увеличивать прибыльwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to attract temporary labour force (resources) - привлекать временную рабочую силуwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- the resale value - стоимость перепродажиwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to deduct costs - удерживать/вычитать затратыwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to put up the money to start the business - вкладывать деньги в создание компанииwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to draw up an income statement - составить отчет о доходахwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- opportunity (imputed) cost - альтернативные/вмененные издержкиwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- accounting methods - методы бухучетаwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- the firm’s net worth - чистая стоимость компанииwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to plough profit back into business - реинвестировать прибыльwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a part (share) of a profit - часть прибылиwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to pay out to shareholders dividends - выплатить акционерам в качестве дивидендовwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to pay out to shareholders dividends - выплатить акционерам в качестве дивидендов a part (share) of a profit - часть прибылиwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- __________was added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- managerial discretion - управленческие полномочияwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to perceive the improvement in profits - рассматривать улучшение доходностиwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to mount a take-over – предпринять захват другой фирмы - покупкаwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to be aimed at doing smthwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- to aim to do smthwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- to aim for size and growth – стремиться к ростуwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- separation of ownership and control – разделение функций владения и управленияwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a salaried board of directors – нанимаемый совет директоровwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to maximize the total satisfaction – максимизировать общую полезностьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to shift resources into or out of a business – переместить ресурсы в бизнес или изъятьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to tie up funds in business – вкладывать финансовые средства в бизнесwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- supernormal profit - сверхприбыльwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- to earn a return of 10 per cent - получить прибыль в размере 10 %was added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a self-employed sole trader – индивидуальны предпринимательwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a firm’s supply decision – производственное решение фирмыwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- actual receipts and payments – фактические поступления и платежиwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to reduce liabilities – снизить долгиwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to increase the asset side – увеличить сторону активовwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to affect the balance sheet – влиять на балансwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
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