A list of 54 words by EMitenkova.
- __________________________________________________was added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a solicitor - адвокат(дает советы клиенту)was added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- expansion costs - расходы на расширение производстваwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to accrue - прирастать, увеличиватьсяwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to arise - arose - arisen - возникатьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- instantaneous - мгновенноеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- an inventory - опись, инвентаризация, запасыwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- late - latter - latest - поздний, последний из двухwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to restrict costs- ограничитьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- initial costs - первоначальные расходыwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to spread - распространятьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- outlay - расходы, издержкиwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- further - дополнительный, добавочныйwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- subsequent years - последующие годыwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 4 lists
- to depreciate - обесцениватьсяwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- obsolescence - устаревание, моральный износwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- wear-and-tear - износwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- the rentals - арендная платаwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- merely = only - толькоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to treat in smth - рассматриваться в чем-то, взаимодействоватьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- durable goods - предметы длительного пользованияwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- a lorry - грузовой транспорт для перевозки чего-тоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- entirely - полностью, всецелоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- depreciation - снижение стоимости, обесцениваниеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- eventually - в итогеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to build up - создать репутациюwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to prosper - преуспеватьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to incur - должно быть оплаченоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- set-up costs - затраты на то, чтобы начать бизнесwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- receipts - выручкаwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to carry out - осуществлять,проводитьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- after-tax profit - прибыль после налогаwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- advertising space - рекламное местоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a temporary worker - временный работникwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to rent out to smth - сдавать в арендуwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to hire people - нанимать людей на работуwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- an accountant - бухгалтерwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- expense - расходwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- costs - расходыwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- Revenue - доходwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- the excess smth over smth - превышение чего-то над чем-тоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- in excess of smth (number) - больше наwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a given period - данный периодwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- over time - со временемwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- an inflow - притокwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a liability - обязательствоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on 2 lists
- a profit-and-loss account - счет доходов и расходов за периодwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a balance sheet - отчет о финансовом состоянии фирмы на определенную датуwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a profit-and-loss account - счет доходов и расходовwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a dimention - измерениеwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- at any instant - в любой момент времениwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a basin - водохранилище, резервуарwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to flow out - выливатьсяwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- two sets of accounts = stocks(запас) and flows(поток)was added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
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