A list of 13 words by EMitenkova.
- to maximize profits - максимизировать прибыльwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to pick crops - собирать урожайwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- an adjustment - изменения в лучшую сторонуwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- a supernormal profit - сверхожидаемая прибыльwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to deduct smth from smth - взять что-либо от куда-нибудь(о деньгах)was added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- an interest-bearing bankwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to convince smone - заверить кого-тоwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to neglect - не следить за кем-то, если это его обязанностьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- per annum - ежегодноwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to draw up a document - создавать документ, оформлятьwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- opportunity cost - альтернативные издержкиwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- chiefly - в основном, главным образомwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- to plough back into smth - отправить доходы обратноwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
- retained earnings - сохраняемые доходыwas added by EMitenkova and appears on just this list
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