A list of 51 words by Feabelit.
- to offset - компенсироватьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to spin off - разделить на ветви apwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- o drag out - вывозить appears on just this listwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to plummet - стремительно падатьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to gut a company - потрошить, разрушать компаниюwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to oust - выгонятьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to spin off - выпускать побочный продуктwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to surpass - превосходитьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to call for - обязывать, требоватьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to pay off - окупитьсяwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to keep in check - держать под контролемwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to marshal - группировать, составлять в определённом порядкеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to herd smb - собрать вместеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to glue - привязывать, связывать, закреплятьwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- to chip in - вмешиваться, входить в долю, принимать участиеwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- to interrogate - расспрашивать, выпрашивать, допрашиватьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to say in taut - кратко сказатьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to be unsung - быть недооценённымwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- to sneer at - насмехатьсяwas added by Feabelit and appears on 4 lists
- disdain - презирать, пренебрегатьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to inhibit/ to hamper/ to hinder - препятствоватьwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- to infringe upon (on) smb.'s rights ― посягать на чьи-л. праваwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- to make a bee-line to smb - обращаться напрямую кwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to prolitheration - распространениеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to thwart = to impede smth = to inhibit = to hamper = to hinder - мешать, препятствоватьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to evaporate - испарять, выпариватьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to sift - отсеиватьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to muck around - убирать (горн)was added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- ro accrete the power - наращивать (накапливать) силуwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to recompense - возмещатьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to be deafened - быть оглушённымwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to impart a knowledge - передавать знанияwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to stir up a debate - раздуть ссору, спорwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to fork out - раскошеливатьсяwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to infridge on patents - посягать на патентыwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to wage the war - вести войнуwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- to thwart the progress - препятствовать (мешать) прогрессуwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- The fight brews - назревает/надвигается битва(противостояние, конфликт)was added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- jurors tossed out - присяжные отклонили (протест и тд)was added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to uphold the claim - поддерживать заявлениеwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to rip off intellectual property - воровать интеллектуальную собственностьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to revamp smth/ to modernise - улучшать, модернизироватьwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- to rip off - отобратьwas added by Feabelit and appears on 2 lists
- to lob lawsuits - посылать судебные искиwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to deem smth appropriate - считать что-то нужнымwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to vindicate smb - обманывать кого-тоwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to violate a law - нарушить законwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to dish out lawsuits - раздавать иски (подавать на всех в суд)was added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to pledge to do smth - клятвенно обещатьwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to ba lambasted for smth - подвергаться критике за что-тоwas added by Feabelit and appears on just this list
- to deserve praise - заслужить похвалуwas added by Feabelit and appears on 10 lists
- to smash records - бить рекордыwas added by Feabelit and appears on 6 lists
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