

from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • undefined In botany: Climbing; ascending by attaching itself to a support in any manner.
  • undefined Performing the office of a tendril, as the petiole of Clematis.


  • At least 137 species of trees and shrubs occur here, 18 species of vine and scandent shrubs, and seven species of palms.

    South Florida rocklands

  • Usually found growing around the malocas, it is a scandent vine with opposite leaves and small pink berries that are said to sweeten the brew.

    One River

  • The bushes were almost ten feet tall, scandent with small white flowers, red fruits like those of a barberry, and leaves of a brilliant yellowish green hue that set them apart from the other plants in the garden.

    One River

  • So did Pedro; who continued along the edge of the garden, leading us to a sheltered corner where the ground was covered by the dense foliage of a scandent vine.

    One River

  • At this elevation we found great scandent trees twisting around the trunks of others, and strangling them: the latter gradually decay, leaving the sheath of climbers as one of the most remarkable vegetable phenomena of these mountains.

    Himalayan Journals — Complete


The word 'scandent' comes from a Latin word meaning 'to climb'.