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  • But Adyen was well versed in the space by that time and the core team that exists today had founded an internet payment company in 1997 called Bibit Global Payments which was acquired by RBS in 2004. News Jennifer Hicks 2011

  • Adyen's international team has been together in some form or another for over a decade. News Jennifer Hicks 2011

  • Adyen isn't waiting for the future to come, they are already looking at the next wave of devices merchants will use - tablets, swipe and handheld devices and the highly evolving market of set-top-boxes STBs for the IPTV market. News Jennifer Hicks 2011

  • "Adyen was founded on the notion that we would innovate within the global payments space with a totally new next generation payments system, running today's software and hardware standards." News Jennifer Hicks 2011

  • Depending on the preferred business model - subscription, pay per view, SMS billing or one click pay - all of these methods are already supported by Adyen on multiple devices. News Jennifer Hicks 2011

  • Adyen, the pre-eminent provider of next generation internet payment solutions in Europe and first to provide global interchange plus pricing, is now expanding operations to the U.S. market based on overwhelming merchant demand.

    Marketwire - Breaking News Releases 2010

  • Adyen was started and funded by the founders of Bibit which was successfully acquired by the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS Group) in 2004.

    Marketwire - Breaking News Releases 2010

  • Taking a fiscally responsible approach, Adyen executives wanted to achieve profitability before formally launching the company in the United States.

    Marketwire - Breaking News Releases 2010

  • Adyen has relationships with 46 local systems and makes them available through its hosted payments platform.

    BankTech - All Stories 2010

  • Nick Holland, Senior Analyst, Aite Group, LLC, said, "Adyen offers a compelling merchant value proposition based around transparent interchange fees, user-friendly diagnostic capabilities and a streamlined customer checkout experience."

    Marketwire - Breaking News Releases 2010


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