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  • As the dread hour arrives, he stoops down and makes three crosses over the Alraun, and then commences to dig for the roots in a perfect circle around it.

    Folk-lore and Legends: German Anonymous

  • Should, however, the youngest son fail before the father, then the Alraun rightfully belongs to the eldest, but he must also place bread and money in the coffin of his brother, as well as in that of his father, to inherit it to any purpose.

    Folk-lore and Legends: German Anonymous

  • If a piece of gold be laid beside the Alraun at night, it is found to be doubled in the morning, and so on for any sum whatsoever, but never has it been known to be increased more than two pieces for each one.

    Folk-lore and Legends: German Anonymous

  • If he desire to obtain some substantial favour, he has it performed for him on making his request, but then the Alraun will answer no inquiries as to the future until the next day of visitation shall arrive.

    Folk-lore and Legends: German Anonymous

  • On the demise of the owner only a youngest son can inherit the Alraun.

    Folk-lore and Legends: German Anonymous

  • The hound is buried in the spot whence the Alraun has been extracted.

    Folk-lore and Legends: German Anonymous

  • If he wish to know of things in the future, the Alraun will tell him truly, but he will only get one answer in the moon, and nothing else will be done for him by the plant.

    Folk-lore and Legends: German Anonymous


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