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  • Anch, which is said to be the place where the Emperor played hide-and-seek with the ladies of the court; this is probably an erroneous statement.

    Travels in the Far East Ellen Mary Hayes Peck

  • "This study is consistent with other studies suggesting that sleep allows you to integrate learned information from various brain regions, which is not allowable by instant decisions," Anch said.

    Sleep might help you solve problems better 2011

  • "This study is consistent with other studies suggesting that sleep allows you to integrate learned information from various brain regions, which is not allowable by instant decisions," Anch said.

    Sleep might help you solve problems better 2011

  • "This study is consistent with other studies suggesting that sleep allows you to integrate learned information from various brain regions, which is not allowable by instant decisions," Anch said.

    Sleep might help you solve problems better 2011

  • Sleep researcher Michael Anch, an associate professor at Saint Louis University, said the study "emphasizes the growing awareness of the importance of sleep for optimal cognitive functioning."

    Sleep might help you solve problems better 2011

  • Sleep researcher Michael Anch, an associate professor at Saint Louis University, said the study "emphasizes the growing awareness of the importance of sleep for optimal cognitive functioning."

    Sleep might help you solve problems better 2011

  • Tomrrw host Anch Gov's Picnic; LtGov Parnell/I love these events - literally getting to serve you!

    Play by play: Tweets from Palin's final weekend as governor 2009

  • "This study is consistent with other studies suggesting that sleep allows you to integrate learned information from various brain regions, which is not allowable by instant decisions," Anch said.

    Sleep might help you solve problems better 2011

  • Sleep researcher Michael Anch, an associate professor at Saint Louis University, said the study "emphasizes the growing awareness of the importance of sleep for optimal cognitive functioning."

    Sleep might help you solve problems better 2011

  • Sleep researcher Michael Anch, an associate professor at Saint Louis University, said the study "emphasizes the growing awareness of the importance of sleep for optimal cognitive functioning."

    Sleep might help you solve problems better 2011


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