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  • One might inquire more deeply as to why Heidegger insists upon translating the various words for being which he finds among the Greeks, such as Physis and Parousia, by the German word Anwesen presence.

    Archive 2008-01-01 enowning 2008

  • One might inquire more deeply as to why Heidegger insists upon translating the various words for being which he finds among the Greeks, such as Physis and Parousia, by the German word Anwesen presence.

    enowning enowning 2008

  • σία; and this he translates by the German word Anwesen.

    Archive 2008-01-01 enowning 2008

  • Another Greek word for being which Heidegger uses in order to help him better understand the Greek notion of being is the word παρουσία παρ- and ἀπουσία; and this he translates by the German word Anwesen.

    enowning enowning 2008

  • Parmenides' celebrated maxim certainly names (nennt) being itself, but it thinks (denkt) the presencing (Anwesen) not as the presencing from out of its truth.

    Archive 2008-01-01 enowning 2008

  • Even the being in "Da-sein" is ecstatic, a manifold emerging to...what emerges Anwesen zu...

    Archive 2008-07-01 enowning 2008

  • The idea is the "looked at" (das Gesichtete), that which stands be fore us (vor uns steht), that which presences (an-west) itself, that which is a presence (Anwesen), a presencing, i.e., that which in an original sense is.

    Archive 2008-01-01 enowning 2008

  • On this score Heidegger goes back to the etymologies of the Old German to the word wesan, which meant Währen i.e., bleiben, remain, the Sanskrit Vasati, which means to dwell, for the meaning of Anwesen as "bleibendes weilen," the "staying around for awhile" by which he translates the Greek word for being.

    enowning enowning 2008

  • And the appearance of being as this presencing of the present ("Anwesen des Anwesenden"), as this presence of the presenting ("Präsenz des Präsenten") marks the beginning of occidental history.

    enowning enowning 2008

  • Parmenides' celebrated maxim certainly names (nennt) being itself, but it thinks (denkt) the presencing (Anwesen) not as the presencing from out of its truth.

    enowning enowning 2008


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