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  • Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller; reprints: Stuttgart: Stuttgarter Arbeitsgruppe für Kommunikationsforschung und Pädagogik, 1960 and 1961;

    Slices of Matisse gerard varni 2009

  • The essay initially describes not the success of these works, but their limitation: "They come as close as one can come" to an Arbeitsgruppe — to this truly democratic possibility of free inquiry and

    'At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...' 2005

  • Arbeitsgruppe, an ongoing seminar oriented towards open research rather than directed by a single authoritative voice.

    'At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...' 2005

  • New Haven of the 70s in order to show "a comparable instance" of an Arbeitsgruppe indicates all the more the ambivalence of the introduction's opening, but in comparison with Jauss, this gesture also is self-implicating, reminding us, perhaps that it is "by his own volition" that de Man was associated with a study group centered around the authority of a dominating personality. close window

    Notes on ''At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...'' 2005

  • Arbeitsgruppe — to which de Man suggests his seminars do not match up — see the introduction to

    Notes on ''At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...'' 2005

  • Cross-domain associations Arbeitsgruppe zu europeischen Angelegenheiten fur Bibliotheken,

    ArchivesBlogs 2008

  • Cross-domain associations Arbeitsgruppe zu europeischen Angelegenheiten fur Bibliotheken,

    ArchivesBlogs 2008

  • Cross-domain associations Arbeitsgruppe zu europeischen Angelegenheiten fur Bibliotheken,

    ArchivesBlogs 2008


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