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  • One can remember, that Russia suggest to cancel construction of radar in Czech Republic and instead of it use two Russian radars (Armavir and Gabala), which were built (specially!) to control missile threat from the Middle East region.

    Bush, Putin and What Russian Bloggers Think - The Lede Blog - 2008

  • One can remember, that Russia suggest to cancel construction of radar in Czech Republic and instead of it use two Russian radars (Armavir and Gabala), which were built (specially!) to control missile threat from the Middle East region.

    Bush, Putin and What Russian Bloggers Think - The Lede Blog - 2008

  • The only major city in the Armenian period under discussion was Armavir.

    8. Armenia, c. 1300-331 B.C.E 2001

  • The eastern Caucasus were to be "blocked" and a mobile reserve was to be held at Armavir, to stand guard against Russian counterattacks south of the Manych.

    Barbarossa Clark, Alan 1965

  • In June 2007 Vladimir Putin proposed to George W. Bush that the two countries could jointly use a radar station in Gabala, which Russia rents from Azerbaijan, and a new radar under construction in Russias southern city of Armavir. - Business News 2010

  • The highest rate of marriages is observed in the Gegharkunik, Armavir and Kotayk provinces, the most 'inactive' provinces are Syunik, Ararat and Tavush.

    Home | 2010

  • Tigran Sargsyan 2010 tourism development program was approved, as well as territorial planning project for Vayots Dzor region (including Jermuk city airport) and general layout of Armavir population center municipality.

    Armenian News - PanARMENIAN.Net 2010

  • Gabala, which Russia rents from Azerbaijan, and a new radar under construction in Russias southern city of Armavir. - Business News 2010

  • Pernod-Ricard, a French wine and spirits conglomerate bought YBC in 1998 for $ 30.0 million, including two distilleries in Armavir and Aijevan, and all the brandy inventory in warehouses, with the promise to spend an additional $ 5.0 million to improve production, packaging ad employee benefits.

    Blogbot - forsiden 2010

  • Gabala, which Russia rents from Azerbaijan, and a new radar under construction in Russias southern city of Armavir. - Business News 2010


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