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  • Except, of course, that this law provides for detaining reasonably-suspicious (that is, brown and Spanish-speaking) persons while someone fetches their Ausweis.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Kobach on Arizona’s Immigration Law 2010

  • Except, of course, that this law provides for detaining reasonably-suspicious (that is, brown and Spanish-speaking) persons while someone fetches their Ausweis.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Kobach on Arizona’s Immigration Law 2010

  • Except, of course, that this law provides for detaining reasonably-suspicious that is, brown and Spanish-speaking persons while someone fetches their Ausweis.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Kobach on Arizona’s Immigration Law 2010

  • Except, of course, that this law provides for detaining reasonably-suspicious that is, brown and Spanish-speaking persons while someone fetches their Ausweis.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Kobach on Arizona’s Immigration Law 2010

  • Will priests saying the newer Mass be required to obtain a special "license", or should I say Ausweis, from some chancery mandarin whose Latin and rubrical knowledge should be a matter of scrutiny?

    Archive 2007-09-01 Luxury Home 2007

  • Will priests saying the newer Mass be required to obtain a special "license", or should I say Ausweis, from some chancery mandarin whose Latin and rubrical knowledge should be a matter of scrutiny?

    Compilation of recent analyses of AJ TLM policy loyalcatholic 2007

  • One of their favorite documents was an Ausweis, permission to be on Reich property.

    Archive 2004-11-01 2004

  • French or Italian the next, gets you up in the morning, to bed at night, past countless sentries and thick-headed guards demanding an Ausweis, contrives never to cease looking as if he had stepped from a band-box, and presently pops you into your hotel in Berlin with the curious feeling of never having been away at all.

    Antwerp to Gallipoli A Year of the War on Many Fronts—and Behind Them Arthur Ruhl 1905

  • Museum -- the King's palace at Laaken, an old servitor with a beard like the tall King Leopold's leading these vandals through it, and looking unutterable things -- a word with the civil governor, here -- a charming lunch at a barracks, there -- in short, a wild flight behind the man with the precious "Ausweis."

    Antwerp to Gallipoli A Year of the War on Many Fronts—and Behind Them Arthur Ruhl 1905

  • Mossad benutzt gefälschen britischen Ausweis bei Mord an dem Hintermann des 1972-Anschlages bei den olympischen Spielen in München

    Fefes Blog 2010


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