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  • International News: Company shoots 'Babylone' -- Producer-distributor Sorolla Films has acquired Spanish rights to U.K.

    ShowHype - Top Entertainment News, Videos, and Blogs 2009

  • This was the taste and force of character that inspired the two young connoisseurs to take a similar direction in creating the rooms in their duplex at 55 Rue de Babylone.

    A Tale of Two Salons David Netto 2010

  • Today, with so many purchases made by scroll and click, it feels deliciously retro to take a stroll down Sloane Street, ride the Metro to S è vres-Babylone or head for the Kurf ü rstendamm.

    Present and Correct Lennox Morrison 2010

  • I hated Canticle for Leibowitz, can't really remember Farnham's Freehold, but loved Alas, Babylone.

    The Road -- Cormac McCarthy Bill Crider 2007

  • The designer became increasingly reclusive, rarely leaving his garden-level duplex at 55 Rue de Babylone in the Seventh Arrondissement.

    The Art World's Last Hurrah? 2009

  • In a repeat scenario of 80 years ago, when the duplex at 55 Rue de Babylone was first optimistically renovated by the American, the global economy is collapsing.

    The Things Yves Loved Collins, Amy Fine 2009

  • Specialists working in the Babylone apartment earlier this year kept the heater high and the lights low, as the designer used to, in part to maintain the aura for visiting collectors.

    The Art World's Last Hurrah? 2009

  • One painting alone from 55 Rue de Babylone will be donated to the Louvre — the 1791 Goya likeness of the rosy-cheeked Don Luis María de Cistué y Martínez, from the Rockefeller collection.

    The Things Yves Loved Collins, Amy Fine 2009

  • Cosette thought that this officer doubtless belonged to the regiment in barracks in the Rue de Babylone.

    Les Miserables 2008

  • M. Gillenormand was worn out with hearing him tell about the love affairs that he had in the vicinity of the barracks in the Rue de Babylone.

    Les Miserables 2008


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