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  • Isham comes on board to see my Lord and drunk his wine before he went into the Downs, there likewise come many merchants to get convoy to the Baltique, which a course was taken for.

    Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1660 N.S. Samuel Pepys 1668

  • Isham comes on board to see my Lord and drunk his wine before he went into the Downs, there likewise come many merchants to get convoy to the Baltique, which a course was taken for.

    Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 04: March/April 1659-1660 Samuel Pepys 1668

  • So indeed I was forced to study a lie, and so after we were gone from the Duke, I told Mr. Coventry that I had heard Mr. Selden often say, that he could prove that in Henry the 7th's time, he did give commission to his captains to make the King of Denmark's ships to strike to him in the Baltique.

    Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 13: November/December 1661 Samuel Pepys 1668

  • Isham comes on board to see my Lord and drunk his wine before he went into the Downs, there likewise come many merchants to get convoy to the Baltique, which a course was taken for.

    Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete Samuel Pepys 1668

  • So indeed I was forced to study a lie, and so after we were gone from the Duke, I told Mr. Coventry that I had heard Mr. Selden often say, that he could prove that in Henry the 7th's time, he did give commission to his captains to make the King of Denmark's ships to strike to him in the Baltique.

    The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Nov/Dec 1661 Pepys, Samuel 1661

  • Isham comes on board to see my Lord and drunk his wine before he went into the Downs, there likewise come many merchants to get convoy to the Baltique, which a course was taken for.

    The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Mar/Apr 1659/'60 Pepys, Samuel 1660


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