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  • The people of Bordeaux lived in mortal fear of a sadistic gang called the Bande Cardinal, who wore the bonnet rouge and tortured, raped, and murdered Huguenots, all in the name of Christ.

    Champlain's Dream David Hackett Fischer 2008

  • The people of Bordeaux lived in mortal fear of a sadistic gang called the Bande Cardinal, who wore the bonnet rouge and tortured, raped, and murdered Huguenots, all in the name of Christ.

    Champlain's Dream David Hackett Fischer 2008

  • Blogger hannoumita compares the proposed Center to New People World, the new Japanese pop culture-themed entertainment complex in San Francisco, and the national Musée de la Bande Dessinée (Comic Strip Museum) in Angoulême.

    Global Voices in English » Japan: What to do with “Media Arts” 2009

  • By Decoración 2.0 » Blog Archive » Le Bande, un sofá modular muy flexible, Decoración 2.0 on February 13, 2010 at 10: 03 am

    Coffee table that can turn into a love seat 2010

  • Yo can see the original scene from the film below, and at the very bottom for any who missed it, the Nouvelle Vague/"Bande a Part" video that started it all off.

    Weekend Video - Nouvelle Vague, Part 2 The Year in Pictures 2009

  • Yo can see the original scene from the film below, and at the very bottom for any who missed it, the Nouvelle Vague/"Bande a Part" video that started it all off.

    Archive 2009-03-01 The Year in Pictures 2009

  • Revisit the star-lit title "Promenade Sentimentale," from the 1981 soundtrack Diva (Bande originale du film).

    Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume Eighty-Nine 2009

  • One of the many murals around the city that celebrate the Bande Desssine tradition.

    Escape! MadeleineS 2007

  • A while back I posted the band Nouvelle Vague's video cut to the dance scene from Godard's "Bande a Part".

    Weekend Video - Nouvelle Vague, Part 2 The Year in Pictures 2009

  • A while back I posted the band Nouvelle Vague's video cut to the dance scene from Godard's "Bande a Part".

    Archive 2009-03-01 The Year in Pictures 2009


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