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  • Colin Beere for The Wall Street Journal Health care is the only area where data have value that does not diminish with time.

    International SOS Uses Its Global Reach Emily Veach 2011

  • Mark Aedy, Moelis's head of investment banking for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, said he started talking with Mr. Beere about the job this spring, shortly after UBS promoted him.

    Chief of M&A Departs UBS Deborah Ball 2011

  • The bank also recently promoted Cary Kochman , the head of the Americas M&A, and Liam Beere , head of European M&A, to joint global heads of mergers and acquisitions.

    UBS Faces Loss of Two Metals-and-Mining Bankers Gina Chon 2011

  • Mr. Beere, formerly the head of European M&A at UBS, was promoted to the global job only in March.

    Chief of M&A Departs UBS Deborah Ball 2011

  • Liam Beere , a 19-year veteran at UBS, will join Moelis in September, according to a statement from the boutique bank.

    Chief of M&A Departs UBS Deborah Ball 2011

  • Moelis & Co. has hired Liam Beere from UBS to head its mergers-and-acquisitions advisory in Europe, Middle East and Africa, the latest departure from the Swiss bank by a senior banker.

    What's News 2011

  • The bank also recently promoted Cary Kochman , the head of the Americas M&A, and Liam Beere , head of European M&A, to joint global heads of mergers and acquisitions.

    UBS Metals Banker Joins Exodus From Firm Gina Chon 2011

  • At Moelis, Mr. Beere "will be leading the charge on M&A in EMEA, and will be front and center to make sure we're right on top of M&A developments," said Mr. Aedy, referring to Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

    Chief of M&A Departs UBS Deborah Ball 2011

  • "I might have a grand title, but I don't have a big role," Mr. Beere recently told colleagues, according to a person familiar with the matter.

    Chief of M&A Departs UBS Deborah Ball 2011

  • From what she had heard, Sue Beere concurred with this conclusion.

    Trackin' Neal Cassady In San Miguel de Allende 2008


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