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  • The Biscaglia is the 97th vessel this year to be attacked in the waters off Somalia, where Islamist insurgents are battling a weak, western-backed government and all semblance of law and order has broken down.

    Top Stories - Google News 2008

  • The Biscaglia is the 97th vessel this year to be attacked in the waters off Somalia, where Islamist insurgents are battling a weak, western-backed government and all semblance of law and order has broken down.

    Top Stories - Google News 2008

  • The Biscaglia is the 97th vessel this year to be attacked in the waters off Somalia, where Islamist insurgents are battling a weak, western-backed government and all semblance of law and order has broken down.

    Top Stories - Google News 2008

  • AFP/Getty Images The Biscaglia, a Liberia-flagged oil and chemical tanker, was attacked and hijacked Nov. 28 in the Gulf of Aden by five Somali pirates who demanded a large sum of money to release its crew members.

    A Glimpse Into Modern Piracy 2009

  • By the time the pirates struck, the French ship was two hours away, says a spokesman for the French armed forces, who adds that the French had not been assigned to guard the Biscaglia.

    Hijacked on the High Seas 2009

  • As days went by, the crewmen on the Biscaglia settled into a routine.

    Hijacked on the High Seas 2009

  • By mid-January, the pirates on the Biscaglia were growing frustrated.

    Hijacked on the High Seas 2009

  • Michael Rubenstein for The Wall Street Journal Crew member Wasseem Uddin waited while his wife, Samessn, spoke with other family members at a lunch and debriefing for the crew of the Biscaglia and their families at the Hyatt Grand Regency in Mumbai on Friday.

    A Glimpse Into Modern Piracy 2009

  • The Biscaglia crewmen, having washed their faces and put on fresh clothes, followed the pirates 'directions to wait together in the ship's smoke room.

    Hijacked on the High Seas 2009

  • But as the convoy proceeded through the gulf, the Biscaglia, traveling at 13 knots, fell behind.

    Hijacked on the High Seas 2009


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