
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun A taxonomic family within the order Blattodea — most domestic cockroaches.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Blatta +‎ -idae


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  • As some hundreds of families of _Paltaeoblattidae_, which may be translated as "old original cockroaches," and _Blattidae_, or cockroaches _pur sang_, pervaded these forests, and the doyen of all

    The Naturalist on the Thames 1882

  • The circumstance that there are still numerous wingless species among the Orthoptera, and that some of these (Blattidae) are so like certain Crustacea (Isopods) in habit that both are indicated by the same name ( "Baratta") by the people in this country, can scarcely be regarded as of any importance.

    Facts and Arguments for Darwin Fritz Muller 1859

  • By this means many, and it seems to me valid reasons may be brought up in favour of the opinion that the most ancient Insects approached more nearly to the existing Orthoptera, and perhaps to the wingless Blattidae, than to any other order, and that the "complete metamorphosis" of the Beetles,

    Facts and Arguments for Darwin Fritz Muller 1859


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