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  • Just found an incredible poem by Margaret Atwood at a blog called Blindheit: clarity is overrated.

    Preoccupied with poetry Jessica 2005

  • Just found an incredible poem by Margaret Atwood at a blog called Blindheit: clarity is overrated.

    Archive 2005-03-01 Jessica 2005

  • There's few things worse than an aging hipster, one that snorts at your Unknown Pleasures t-shirt and says "Listen, pal, not only did I wear an armband when Ian Curtis died, not only did I buy the Licht Und Blindheit single as an import when it came out, I didn't even listen to New Order for 4 years!"

    Expecting Rain 2008

  • There's few things worse than an aging hipster, one that snorts at your Unknown Pleasures t-shirt and says "Listen, pal, not only did I wear an armband when Ian Curtis died, not only did I buy the Licht Und Blindheit single as an import when it came out, I didn't even listen to New Order for 4 years!"

    Expecting Rain 2008


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