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  • No taxpayers, therefore, will be owed refunds, IRS spokeswoman Julianne Breitbeil said in a phone interview.

    The Seattle Times 2011

  • "I think it gave our kids a lot of confidence that we can go on someone else's field at an away game and beat a team," Breitbeil said. - Local News 2008

  • Colonial will run a 52 defense which is similar to the NFL's 4-3 defense which Coach Breitbeil says, "is essentially three down linemen, two inside backers, and two outside linebackers, you can expect the outside linebackers playing run or blitzing, they'll move into pass coverage as well, while the inside linebackers will do both." - Local News 2008

  • Coach Breitbeil says his team stepped up in big situations on someone else's turf. - Local News 2008

  • Breitbeil likes his speed, strength, and football savvy. - Local News 2008

  • Coach Breitbeil says his team stepped up in big situations on someone else's turf. - Local News 2008

  • "For our crew its extremely important if we want to make the playoffs we can't afford to drop any of our district games," Breitbeil said. - Local News 2008

  • Colonial will run a 52 defense which is similar to the NFL's 4-3 defense which Coach Breitbeil says, "is essentially three down linemen, two inside backers, and two outside linebackers, you can expect the outside linebackers playing run or blitzing, they'll move into pass coverage as well, while the inside linebackers will do both." - Local News 2008

  • Breitbeil likes his speed, strength, and football savvy. - Local News 2008

  • "For our crew its extremely important if we want to make the playoffs we can't afford to drop any of our district games," Breitbeil said. - Local News 2008


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