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  • Even in 1996, there was no technical reason not to put up every submission Der Brennende Busch received.

    Jurgen Fauth: Why Anyone Can Publish On Fictionaut 2009

  • Brennende-autos. de lists the six most recent cars as two Mercedes - the most popular target - a Jeep, Range Rover, Mitsubishi and a rather more modest Ford, which was burned almost beyond recognition on New Year's Day on Hermannstrasse in the former West Berlin district of Kreuzberg.

    The Guardian World News 2010

  • Brennende-autos. de lists the six most recent cars as two Mercedes - the most popular target - a Jeep, Range Rover, Mitsubishi and a rather more modest Ford, which was burned almost beyond recognition on New Year's Day on Hermannstrasse in the former West Berlin district of Kreuzberg.

    The Guardian World News 2010

  • Brennende-autos. de lists the six most recent cars as two Mercedes - the most popular target - a Jeep, Range Rover, Mitsubishi and a rather more modest Ford, which was burned almost beyond recognition on New Year's Day on Hermannstrasse in the former West Berlin district of Kreuzberg.

    The Guardian World News 2010


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