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  • Some games mirror standard board or party games but include sexual language or nude pictures, such as the infamous pattern matching game Busen Memo try to match two breasts of a pair, the sentence forming game Dirty Words, or playing cards with erotic pictures.

    Archive 2007-11-01 2007

  • Some games mirror standard board or party games but include sexual language or nude pictures, such as the infamous pattern matching game Busen Memo try to match two breasts of a pair, the sentence forming game Dirty Words, or playing cards with erotic pictures.

    Sex Games 2007

  • Even so we are moved by the sight of some of Mr. Cruikshank's works -- the "Busen fuhlt sich jugendlich erschuttert," the

    George Cruikshank William Makepeace Thackeray 1837

  • Where does the black substance comes from when you use a yellow flame in a Busen burner?

    Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions 2008

  • This, Busen explained, means giving parts to the community and letting them create what they want.

    Eurogamer 2008

  • Even so we are moved by the sight of some of Mr. Cruikshank’s works — the “Busen fuhlt sich jugendlich erschuttert,” the

    George Cruikshank 2006

  • One passage may be noted for its interesting modulations, the alternating duet with the words "_Barg im Busen uns sich die

    Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"; an essay on the Wagnerian drama George Ainslie Hight

  • The motto will be ” "Der Gott, der mir im Busen wohnt, Kann tief mein Innerstes erregen; Der uber allen meinen Kraften thront, Er kann nach aussen nichts bewegen; Und so ist mir das Dasein eine Last, Der Tod erwunscht, das Leben mir verhasst!" but I shall not publish it in any case.

    Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt Tr 1888

  • "Der Gott, der mir im Busen wohnt, Kann tief mein Innerstes erregen; Der uber allen meinen Kraften thront, Er kann nach aussen nichts bewegen; Und so ist mir das Dasein eine Last, Der

    Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt — Volume 2 Richard Wagner 1848


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