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  • [Footnote 633: G. de Cougny, _Notice archéologique et historique sur le château de Chinon_, Chinon, 1860, in 8vo.] [Footnote 634: _La légende dorée_, translated by Gustave Brunet, 1846, pp. 259, 264.

    The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2 Anatole France 1884

  • The document, known as the Chinon parchment, reveals that the Templars had an initiation ceremony which involved "spitting on the cross", "denying Jesus" and kissing the lower back, navel and mouth of the man proposing them.

    Vatican Paper Set to Clear Knights Templar | Impact Lab 2007

  • Last year, the Vatican felt so besieged by the weight of conspiracy and conjecture drummed up by Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code that it took an unsual step: it released a document from its archives called the Chinon parchment, which shows that Pope Clement V's investigation into the Templars in 1308 actually cleared them of the heresy charges that led to many being put to death.

    Reestablishing the Templars? 2008

  • Last year, the Vatican felt so besieged by the weight of conspiracy and conjecture drummed up by Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code that it took an unsual step: it released a document from its archives called the Chinon parchment, which shows that Pope Clement V's investigation into the Templars in 1308 actually cleared them of the heresy charges that led to many being put to death.

    Archive 2008-03-01 Jan 2008

  • The document, known as the Chinon parchment, shows that the Templars had an initiation ceremony which involved ``spitting on the cross'', ``denying Jesus'' and kissing the lower back, navel and mouth of the man proposing them.

    Archive 2007-10-01 2007

  • The book is based on a document known as the Chinon parchment, found in the Vatican Secret Archives six years ago after years of being incorrectly filed.

    Today in Medieval News 2007

  • The book is based on a document known as the Chinon parchment, found in the Vatican Secret Archives six years ago after years of being incorrectly filed.

    Archive 2007-10-01 2007

  • The document, known as the Chinon parchment, shows that the Templars had an initiation ceremony which involved ``spitting on the cross'', ``denying Jesus'' and kissing the lower back, navel and mouth of the man proposing them.

    Processus contra Templarios to be published by the Vatican this month 2007

  • King, that is called Chinon, and was there long time, without the King warring upon him, for enough adventures had he in other parts.

    The High History of the Holy Graal Anonymous 1869

  • At some little distance from the place where the king was now lying sick there was a beautiful rural palace, at a place called Chinon, which was situated very pleasantly on the banks of a small branch of the Loire.

    Richard I Makers of History Jacob Abbott 1841


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