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  • "Philip wanted to have threads and echoes of 'Christbaum' surfacing in 'The Tree of Life' in a distant key, which sounded 'other-worldly,' like reminiscing about a happy memory," Johnson Manning says. Top News Headlines 2009

  • Although the Christbaum of the Germans, the Yggdrasill of the Scandinavians, and the Christmas tree of the English speaking nations are still regarded as belonging exclusively to Christianity, their birthplace was the far East, and their origin long anterior to our present era.

    The God-Idea of the Ancients 1897

  • O'Donnell Magnus and O'Donnell Magnus begat Christbaum and Christbaum begat ben Maimun and ben Maimun begat Dusty Rhodes and Dusty Rhodes begat Benamor and Benamor begat Jones-Smith and Jones-Smith begat

    Ulysses James Joyce 1911


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