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  • Then they gave me an extraordinary document on a sheet of rice-paper, which set forth the permission granted me by the civilian authorities of the island of Kiu-Siu, to inhabit a house situated in the suburb of Diou-djen-dji, with a person called Chrysantheme, the said permission being under the protection of the police during the whole of my stay in Japan.

    Madame Chrysantheme — Complete Pierre Loti 1886

  • When time comes for him to leave, Chrysantheme bawls and begs him not to leave.

    Robert Weller: Madame Butterfly : A Journey 2010

  • When time comes for him to leave, Chrysantheme bawls and begs him not to leave.

    Robert Weller: Madame Butterfly: A Journey 2010

  • Presently, when in the early dawn a fresher breeze, mounting upward from the sea and the deep harbor, reaches us, Chrysantheme rises and slyly shuts the panels I have opened.

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various

  • On some old letters addressed to her, I can make out the two characters that represent her name: Kikousan ( "Chrysantheme, Madame").

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various

  • Below, in the town, a street-singer had established herself in a little thoroughfare; people had gathered around her to listen to her singing, and we three -- that is, Yves, Chrysantheme, and I-- who happened to be passing, stopped also.

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various

  • Oh, those friends of Chrysantheme, what funny little faces they have!

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various

  • We open the door, and Chrysantheme starts back uttering a fearful cry.

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various

  • What a pity this little Chrysantheme can not always be asleep; she is really extremely decorative seen in this manner -- and like this, at least, she does not bore me.

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various

  • Down in the town, we make a point of bidding goodby to Chrysantheme at the turning of the street where her mother lives.

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various


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