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  • For instance, we especially liked a double-cream Brie called Couronne with Château Clos de Vaulichères 2006.

    Fact Check: 'Brie and Chablis' 2008

  • Coca Cola has bottling partner in the Dominican Republic, not to mention the Couronne bottling plant in Port Au Prince.

    Michael Seager: Dear Wyclef: Do Business, Go Green Michael Seager 2010

  • Au Gabon, la Couronne est héréditaire, de mâle en mâle par ordre de primogéniture élue démocratiquement par succession directe au suffrage universel sous protection militaire.

    Global Voices in English » Gabon: Opposition Continues to Fight Election Result 2009

  • Coca Cola has bottling partner in the Dominican Republic, not to mention the Couronne bottling plant in Port Au Prince.

    Michael Seager: Dear Wyclef: Do Business, Go Green Michael Seager 2010

  • Coca Cola has bottling partner in the Dominican Republic, not to mention the Couronne bottling plant in Port Au Prince.

    Michael Seager: Dear Wyclef: Do Business, Go Green Michael Seager 2010

  • On Nov. 3 of that year, Julia was to “master the joy of devouring French cooking,” having her personal gastronomic epiphany when she sat down to a feast of oysters, sole meunière, Pouilly-Fuissé and tarte tatin at Restaurant La Couronne on the Place du Vieux-Marché in Rouen.

    Julia Child: The OSS Years « Isegoria 2008

  • Buisseret, Henri IV, 94, 96; citing contemporary lists in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Collection Clairambault, 837 folio 3225–3349; AN KK 151, 152, 153; also “Officiers de la Couronne,” PRO SP 78/44 folio 404 British National Archives.

    Champlain's Dream David Hackett Fischer 2008

  • Buisseret, Henri IV, 94, 96; citing contemporary lists in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Collection Clairambault, 837 folio 3225–3349; AN KK 151, 152, 153; also “Officiers de la Couronne,” PRO SP 78/44 folio 404 British National Archives.

    Champlain's Dream David Hackett Fischer 2008

  • Worldwide, almost every country continued to suburbanize, from Orange County, California, to Grand-Couronne around Paris.

    Hail to the Suburban Oasis 2007

  • Sometimes, during the long winter evenings, when they had gathered at the Boeuf Couronne, they laid down their greasy cards and gravely discussed the events of the past years.

    The Honor of the Name �mile Gaboriau 2003


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