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  • Lu Decheng studied the effects of Jianyanling capsule rehmannia, ho-shou-wu, polygonatum, American ginseng, pearl, succinum, and black sesame seed in 64 patients for three months.

    The Best Alternative Medicine Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier 2000

  • Lu Decheng studied the effects of Jianyanling capsule rehmannia, ho-shou-wu, polygonatum, American ginseng, pearl, succinum, and black sesame seed in 64 patients for three months.

    The Best Alternative Medicine Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier 2000

  • But we still need to eat, said Ma Decheng, 67, a retiree sorting through a table of green beans at an eastern Beijing market Thursday ahead of the holiday celebrations.

    The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed CAROLYNNE WHEELER 2012

  • Sonia and daughter Kusang after a night out, taken by adopted daughter Decheng.

    The Guardian World News Elizabeth Day 2011

  • "We believe that the district court order was based on a misunderstanding of the search engine technology and therefore is without merit," Baidu’s lawyer, Li Decheng, told AP in an email.

    China’s ‘guilty’ 2005


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