
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Relating to the dauphin of France.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

See dauphin.


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  • She called Delphin "the little one" so as not to mention his name.

    The Fête At Coqueville 1907 ��mile Zola 1871

  • Kelso & Co, a private-equity firm whose portfolio companies include Delphin Shipping LLC and Poseidon Containers Holdings LLC, has also put in an offer for GE SeaCo, the people said.

    GE SeaCo Draws Offers Anupreeta Das 2011

  • Given the chain of developments, how much did Delphin really discover?

    Twitter worm was unleashed by 17-year-old Australian 2010

  • Theresa Delphin Morgan grew up in a Creole community along the Cane River, where her family had thirty pecan trees.

    One Big Table Molly O’Neill 2010

  • Delphin used the same flaw to generate popup windows.

    Twitter worm was unleashed by 17-year-old Australian 2010

  • Delphin also pointed out that, if they could meet the 140-character challenge, hackers could have used the flaw to extract password information.

    Twitter worm was unleashed by 17-year-old Australian 2010

  • “This was tradition for everyone in the community,” Ms. Delphin says.

    One Big Table Molly O’Neill 2010

  • Lillie Delphin is a soft-spoken Creole who grew up in the little community of Frilot Cove, near Opelousas, Louisiana.

    One Big Table Molly O’Neill 2010

  • Ms. Delphin learned the technique of roasting meat overnight from her parents and grandparents, who oven-roasted at least four meats at a time.

    One Big Table Molly O’Neill 2010

  • "I did it merely to see if it could be done … that JavaScript really could be executed within a tweet," Delphin told AFP.

    Twitter worm was unleashed by 17-year-old Australian 2010


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