Donald Sutherland love

Donald Sutherland


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  • The Donald Sutherland is a character actor who plays predominant roles.

    Ultimi bookmark postati su Segnalo 2010

  • The Donald Sutherland is a character actor who plays predominant roles.

    Ultimi bookmark postati su Segnalo 2010

  • So you might have heard of a little project on the pike called Donald Sutherland were starring in the film, and no, it wasn't going to be another wackily cast film like

    Cinematical 2009

  • The planned "re-imagining" of Nicolas Roeg's Don't Look Now, which starred Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie, provoked a strong reaction when it promised to provide more plotting and less scene-setting.

    Smiley starts a row over reluctance to commission original scripts 2011

  • Director Paul Mazursky 'took a meeting' with me' once and then put the scene of a producer with monkeys in his office into his Donald Sutherland film, Alex in Wonderland.

    Jay Weston: Do Monkeys Make Good Pets? Jay Weston 2011

  • The international cast includes Canadian Donald Sutherland as Marcus Aquila's influential uncle and French-born Tahar Rahim as the fearsome prince of the "seal people" tribe in ancient Scotland.

    Roman Warrior's Quest For Honor Tests Friendship in 'The Eagle' 2011

  • The international cast includes Canadian Donald Sutherland as Marcus Aquila's influential uncle and French-born Tahar Rahim as the fearsome prince of the "seal people" tribe in ancient Scotland.

    Roman Warrior's Quest For Honor Tests Friendship in 'The Eagle' 2011

  • M*A*S*H (1970)- Robert Altman's black comedy details the shenanigans of Hawkeye Pierce (Donald Sutherland), Trapper John McIntyre (Elliott Gould), and Duke Forrest (Tom Skerritt), three rogue surgeons assigned to a mobile army surgical hospital during the Korean War.

    John Farr: Actor's Actor: A Birthday Salute to Robert Duvall John Farr 2012

  • Director Paul Mazursky 'took a meeting' with me' once and then put the scene of a producer with monkeys in his office into his Donald Sutherland film, Alex in Wonderland.

    Jay Weston: Do Monkeys Make Good Pets? Jay Weston 2011

  • Director Paul Mazursky 'took a meeting' with me' once and then put the scene of a producer with monkeys in his office into his Donald Sutherland film, Alex in Wonderland.

    Jay Weston: Do Monkeys Make Good Pets? Jay Weston 2011


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