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  • The eponymous term leishmaniasis replaced them all, as well as chiclero ulcer and kala-azar or dumdum fever, the last from the town of Dumdum, near Calcutta, where the infamous bullets were made.

    VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XX No 1 1991

  • And of course power cuts everywhere and in a bizarre turn of affairs, Kolkata - Dumdum to Behala had 6-10 hours of power cut on Sunday .. [..]

    Global Voices in English » South Asia: Coping With The Heat And The Rolling Blackouts 2009

  • Hi Dumdum at 6:46, you're up early for an anonymouse.

    Friday Morning Hotsheet 2009

  • The Airfield of Calcutta Airport at Dumdum has been the habitat of some 15 to 20 Jackals in recent months.

    Calcutta Airport Infested by Jackals Risking Takeoffs and Landings 2008

  • Dumdum; and Amelia thought about her husband, and how best she should show her love for him; as if these were the great topics of the world.

    Vanity Fair 2006

  • Dumdum or Futtyghur: a copper-coloured barber, seated on his hams, is shaving a camel-driver at the great inn-gate.

    Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo 2004

  • She knows quite well that we never can and never will equal her in the use of this Dumdum artillery-for many of these falsehoods operate like Dumdum bullets - the uprightness and rectitude ** of the German character does not permit it.

    The Prussian Mind 1917

  • I knew him myself, too, Mrs. O’Dowd: we both of us danced the same evening with Miss Cutler, daughter of Cutler of the Artillery, and a devilish fine girl, at Dumdum.

    XXIX. Brussels 1917

  • “She’s devilish like Miss Cutler that I used to meet at Dumdum, only fairer.

    IV. The Green Silk Purse 1917

  • “I recollect, sir, there was a girl at Dumdum, a daughter of Cutler of the Artillery, and afterwards married to Lance, the surgeon, who made a dead set at me in the year ’4—at me and Mulligatawney, whom I mentioned to you before dinner—a devilish good fellow, Mulligatawney—he’s a magistrate at Budgebudge, and sure to be in council in five years.

    III. Rebecca Is in Presence of the Enemy 1917


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