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  • Dumper Nations actually lose economic viability in the industry, though they enjoy higher immediate Profits (only at the cost of a below-normal profits postion). lgl

    Time to Dump "Dumping"?, Michael Munger | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • Almost Famous Dumper | Hot dripping wet entertainment

    WOOOOOOOOOO THE INTERNET!!! | YepYep - Your Daily Waste Of Time 2009

  • Just park your vehicle in a nice secluded spot, plug the Bumper Dumper® in to your trailer hitch receiver, and VOILA!!

    Boing Boing: April 17, 2005 - April 23, 2005 Archives 2005

  • Now when nature calls you can go in comfort where ever you are with the one and only Bumper Dumper®.

    Boing Boing: April 17, 2005 - April 23, 2005 Archives 2005

  • Towards the end I was starting to experience the guilt of constantly being the Pseudo-Dumper in what wasn't even a relationship, as well as feel the pressure of the nagging fear that I might be letting the last train pass me by, so to speak.

    E. Lockhart's Blog: 2005

  • Towards the end I was starting to experience the guilt of constantly being the Pseudo-Dumper in what wasn't even a relationship, as well as feel the pressure of the nagging fear that I might be letting the last train pass me by, so to speak.

    DM's Boyfriend List 2005

  • Dumper or Dumpee? never been the dumper, so i'm not quite sure how fun that one is ... * sarcasm* ... but yeah, whatever

    survey #2 proudmary04 2003

  • A blog about the Perl programming language, you get love Data:: Dumper output instead of the confusing debugger output:

    Planet Perl Ovid 2010

  • You can install Audioboost you can use a UMD Dumper you can view System-Informations

    QJ.NET Ryan F. 2010

  • You can install Audioboost you can use a UMD Dumper you can view System-Informations

    QJ.NET Ryan F. 2010


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