
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun A taxonomic genus within the tribe Heliantheae — the coneflowers.
  • proper noun A taxonomic genus within the tribe Heliantheae — the coneflowers.
  • proper noun A taxonomic superorder within the subclass Euechinoidea — the sea urchins.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Latin echinus ("sea anemone") +‎ -acea (“resembling”)

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Echinus (“species of anemone”) +‎ -acea


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  • Last fall I ripped out several dozen of the common pink-purple coneflowers called Echinacea purpurea from my full-sun beds.

    My Not-So-Exotic Garden 2010

  • Echinacea, which is derived from the coneflower, has long been touted as a way to bolster immunity and prevent or ease the common cold.

    Reuters: Top News 2010

  • Echinacea, which is believed to minimise the impact of a common cold, was studied by scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. | Top Stories 2010

  • Further, despite the availability of numerous legal healing herbs and traditional medicines such as Echinacea, Witch Hazel, and Eastern hemlock most Americans continue to turn to pharmaceutical preparations as their remedies of choice.

    Paul Armentano: Why I'm Not Convinced Big Pharma Is Behind Pot Prohibition (But That's Not to Say They Aren't Looking to Cash in on Medical Marijuana) 2008

  • Our garden is full of various sorts of Echinacea 'purpurea' and Echinacea 'White Swan' as well as several of the new types such as Echinacea 'Arts Pride'.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Glyn Davies 2007

  • Our garden is full of various sorts of Echinacea 'purpurea' and Echinacea 'White Swan' as well as several of the new types such as Echinacea 'Arts Pride'.

    Rabbits on Speed. Glyn Davies 2007

  • Botanicals and herbs, such as Echinacea, may help some people boost their immune systems, Longenecker says.

    Winning The Cold War 2006

  • In fact, many of these herbal remedies, such as Echinacea and St. John's Wort, in fact, have been manufactured, so that they actually have other ingredients, and added to them artificial ingredients which sometimes people don't know about, making it a little difficult to interpret.

    CNN Transcript Apr 4, 2002 2002

  • As a result I've chosen many flowers loved by insects, especially bees and butterflies - eschewing double formed varieties of plants such as Echinacea as these aren't so attractive to them.

    British Blogs 2009

  • This enhanced version includes an infectious disease guide with empiric and specific treatment recommendations, hundreds of laboratory tests, convenient medical calculators and tables, and information on alternative therapies such as Echinacea and St. John's Wort.

    PRWeb 2009


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