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  • Moreover, the construct eignis opens the way to the being-historical word Eigentum, "ownhood."

    enowning enowning 2007

  • Moreover, the construct eignis opens the way to the being-historical word Eigentum, "ownhood."

    Archive 2007-07-01 enowning 2007

  • In addition, their adjective geistig appears in the expression geistiges Eigentum, which, literally translated, could mean “ghostly” or “spiritual” property.

    "In all my years of ghost hunting I have never been afraid. After all, a ghost is only a fellow human being in trouble." Ann Althouse 2009

  • Neuwied, Berlin: 1890 (non-political essay); Prostitution oder Produktion, Eigentum oder Ehe?

    Johanna L��wenherz. 2009

  • Leaving Ereignis untranslated also leads to other problems concerning the family of words closely relatd to Ereignis such as Ereignung, Eignung, Zueignung, Übereignung, Eigentum, ereignen, zueignen, übereignen, eignen.

    enowning enowning 2007

  • There is a similar argument made when Stirner gets to the Eigentum, property in other words.

    Archive 2007-04-01 James Killus 2007

  • The Er-eignung makes man the property Eigentum, lit. 'owndom' of beyng.

    Archive 2007-06-01 enowning 2007

  • There is a similar argument made when Stirner gets to the Eigentum, property in other words.

    Max Headroom James Killus 2007

  • The Er-eignung makes man the property Eigentum, lit. 'owndom' of beyng.

    enowning enowning 2007

  • Leaving Ereignis untranslated also leads to other problems concerning the family of words closely relatd to Ereignis such as Ereignung, Eignung, Zueignung, Übereignung, Eigentum, ereignen, zueignen, übereignen, eignen.

    Archive 2007-07-01 enowning 2007


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