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  • Andrew Elfenbein is Professor of English at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

    About This Hypertext 2001

  • In Anne Arundel County, four-term Sen. John C. Astle (D), a retired Marine, held an early lead against Republican Ron Elfenbein, a doctor and businessman who received support from the conservative political action group Americans for Prosperity.

    In Maryland legislature, GOP wave dries up Rosalind S. Helderman 2010

  • In Anne Arundel County, four-term Sen. John C. Astle (D), a retired Marine, held an early lead against Republican Ron Elfenbein, a doctor and businessman who received support from the conservative political action group Americans for Prosperity.

    In Maryland legislature, GOP wave dries up Rosalind S. Helderman 2010

  • There is some evidence, moreover (Andy Elfenbein tells me) that legend was sounded in Keats's day with a first long e; if so, leaf gets an echo, along with a pun on legion'd — a word Keats sounds in fantasy in The Eve of St. Agnes, where "legion'd fairies pac'd the coverlet" of Madeline's quiet sleep (xix).

    Sounding Romantic: The Sound of Sound 2008

  • Andrew Elfenbein has delineated the analogy between the Romantic genius, the alienated, marginalized artist, and homosexuality, the man or woman who shatters conventional gender categories (7-8), and so in this sense, Latitia portrays the Romantic genius asserting individuality in the face of conformity, gender and aesthetic.

    Feminist Utopianism and Female Sexuality in Joanna Baillie’s Comedies 2008

  • Gerald Elfenbein graduated from Harvard and did his clinical training at Johns Hopkins MD, residency, and oncology fellowship and his research training at the NIH.

    Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book Jack Canfield 2009

  • Gerald Elfenbein graduated from Harvard and did his clinical training at Johns Hopkins MD, residency, and oncology fellowship and his research training at the NIH.

    Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book Jack Canfield 2009

  • As she notes, Andrew Elfenbein has already provided a model for such a project in Romantic

    'That Obscure Object of Historical Desire' 2006

  • It is as if Elfenbein had identified, at a formative stage in the developmental history of

    'That Obscure Object of Historical Desire' 2006

  • David Halperin productively takes on the essays that most engage his own work, while Andrew Elfenbein provides thoughtful commentary to all the essays.

    Introduction 2006


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