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  • This is the fundamental topic of Kant's “theory of cognition” (Erkenntnistheorie).

    Kant's Theory of Judgment Hanna, Robert 2009

  • Die epikureische Erkenntnistheorie, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

    Epicurus Konstan, David 2009

  • While the kind of epistemology (Erkenntnistheorie) established by Kant and others suffices for the natural sciences, the human sciences require a more full-blooded theory of knowledge

    Wilhelm Dilthey Makkreel, Rudolf 2008

  • In 1921, 100 years after Helmholtz was born, Paul Hertz and Moritz Schlick brought out an edition of Helmholtz's epistemological writings: Schriften zur Erkenntnistheorie.

    Hermann von Helmholtz Patton, Lydia 2008

  • [31] Troeltsch, in his _Psychologie und Erkenntnistheorie_, has perceived the difference very clearly, but in a manner quite different from Bergson.

    An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy 1905

  • In other words, the intermediaries which in their concrete particularity form a bridge, evaporate ideally into an empty interval to cross, and then, the relation of the end-terms having become saltatory, the whole hocus-pocus of Erkenntnistheorie begins, and goes on unrestrained by further concrete considerations.

    Meaning of Truth William James 1876

  • Einleitung in die Logik und Erkenntnistheorie, Husserliana XXIV.

    Phenomenological Approaches to Self-Consciousness Gallagher, Shaun 2006

  • Untersuchungen über das Verhältnis der modernen Erkenntnistheorie zur Relativitätstheorie.

    Einstein's Philosophy of Science Howard, Don A. 2004

  • Review of M. Guggenheim's Die Lehre vom apriorischen Wissen in ihrer Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Ethik und Erkenntnistheorie in der Sokratisch-Platonischen Philosophie (Berlin, 1885).

    Paul Natorp Kim, Alan 2003

  • 1891, “Psychologie und Erkenntnistheorie,” Abhandlungen der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. 19, 2nd part, München: Franz, pp. 465-516.

    On A Trans-Atlantic Flight 2009


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